Well it's been a minute...10 days to be exact. I couldn't stay quiet long enough so before I unbutton my jeans and dig into some of the most delicious food I'll ever taste, I thought I'd hop on my soap box. Thanksgiving is a time of reflection, togetherness, family, gratitude, and peace. Across the nation, people are gathering with the ones they love to give thanks and enjoy this wonderful holiday, but there are still some who can't be with the ones they love today: soldiers, football players, prisoners, the homeless and less fortunate, etc. Wait!! Stop the press!! I'm sure many of you have heard about this, but an 8 year old boy who confessed (perhaps under questionable interrogation) to killing his father and another man will be allowed to come home for the Thanksgiving holiday. ?!?!?!?! I know this holiday is about family, but really?!?! I know it's hard for the kid being in the pen but it can't be that hard seeing as how he was able to pull the trigger on the man who gave life to him TWICE oh and not to mention was able to kill another man as well. The provisions for his homestay were that he not be allowed near guns (haha laughable no-brainer), knives (yeah that's a good one), video games (no duh-this isn't a vacation), or TV (oh so cruel). He just needs some quality talking time with the fam. Hey kid, ever thought about that before busting a cap in your pops. To be fair, I don't have a tremendous amount of details since a gag order was issued, but from what I can tell, the father wasn't abusive and the other guy was totally innocent in the matter. I am incredibly sorry for the second victim's family--this must feel like a slap in the face to them. The kid said he wanted to stop his dad from suffering, from what? Personally, I think that the police should be focusing on figuring out why this kid seemed to have no trouble killing two people instead of whether or not he's comfortable in the juvenile detention center. I mean the boy is 8, obviously if you're shooting pistols at 8 years old, you've got some issues that require a lot more treatment than turkey and gravy with ma and grandma.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving to All (murderers included)!!!
Well it's been a minute...10 days to be exact. I couldn't stay quiet long enough so before I unbutton my jeans and dig into some of the most delicious food I'll ever taste, I thought I'd hop on my soap box. Thanksgiving is a time of reflection, togetherness, family, gratitude, and peace. Across the nation, people are gathering with the ones they love to give thanks and enjoy this wonderful holiday, but there are still some who can't be with the ones they love today: soldiers, football players, prisoners, the homeless and less fortunate, etc. Wait!! Stop the press!! I'm sure many of you have heard about this, but an 8 year old boy who confessed (perhaps under questionable interrogation) to killing his father and another man will be allowed to come home for the Thanksgiving holiday. ?!?!?!?! I know this holiday is about family, but really?!?! I know it's hard for the kid being in the pen but it can't be that hard seeing as how he was able to pull the trigger on the man who gave life to him TWICE oh and not to mention was able to kill another man as well. The provisions for his homestay were that he not be allowed near guns (haha laughable no-brainer), knives (yeah that's a good one), video games (no duh-this isn't a vacation), or TV (oh so cruel). He just needs some quality talking time with the fam. Hey kid, ever thought about that before busting a cap in your pops. To be fair, I don't have a tremendous amount of details since a gag order was issued, but from what I can tell, the father wasn't abusive and the other guy was totally innocent in the matter. I am incredibly sorry for the second victim's family--this must feel like a slap in the face to them. The kid said he wanted to stop his dad from suffering, from what? Personally, I think that the police should be focusing on figuring out why this kid seemed to have no trouble killing two people instead of whether or not he's comfortable in the juvenile detention center. I mean the boy is 8, obviously if you're shooting pistols at 8 years old, you've got some issues that require a lot more treatment than turkey and gravy with ma and grandma.
Monday, November 17, 2008
What are you doing on your saturday nights???
Check out videos at:
Sunday, November 16, 2008
So long to equality
Despite recent events, i.e. the first black president-elect on Nov. 5, people still don't seem to understand the true meaning of equality. In a country that prides itself on equal opportunity and that now defunct promise of the American Dream, I'm amazed and incredibly saddened by the enormous setbacks we are still facing. In the Nov. 4 California election, 52% of voters decided to approve Proposition 8 which banned gay marriage. My response: WHAT THE EFF!? I still can't come to terms with it. I live in Maryland which is pretty democratic/liberal but not as forward-thinking as I thought California to be. Therefore, I was hoping that at least one state would get us all going in the right direction. All hope was lost come Nov. 5th. Ten to twelve thousand rallyers crowded the streets to protest the proposition, but naysayers and negative Nancys like Frank Schubert had this to say: "They can protest all they like, and it doesn't change the fact that Prop. 8 has passed and the election is now over." Asshole. Basically, he just mocked all of the people fighting to be recognized and accepted as every other American out there. Sorry if they just want to be treated as human beings. And hey Frank, if every oppressed group in American history had decided to give up after the odds had been counted against them, women wouldn't be able to vote, Britain would still be calling us her bitch, and black people would STILL be in the back of the bus, but I guess you would have voted against all of that too. Oh yeah, aren't your niece and two of your sisters lesbians? Hmm, think about that one Frank. Politics over family I guess.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Some of my favorite videos...I just had to share these
Cat Playing Red Light/Green Light
Scarlet Takes A Tumble
Man Dancing To Single Ladies Beyonce Mashup
Ooh I got one already!!
Um...so tell me if this isn't pathetic: a Michael Vick update
Apparently, the former $15 million a year Atlanta Falcons' quarterback is slumming it like the rest of us after his very PUBLIC dog fighting scandal. Needless to say, his life blows now. Stuck behind bars at a Kansas prison, he actually has to worry about dropping the soap instead of dropping the football. He's in mounds of debt and no football team is even hinting at the idea of hiring him when he's released mid to late 2009. Ah what a shame. If only we all had been given the opportunity of a lifetime to become a super awesome celebrity, have little kids call you their hero, get overpaid for throwing pigskin, and then screw it up. Honestly, I can't say I feel sorry for the guy. I've heard countless debates on the issue and here are some of the arguments:
1) It's cause he's black: Heard this one time and time again. It's a favorite among a lot of the guys I know. According to them, it's all one big conspiracy and if it had been any other fair-skinned athlete, he would never have gone to prison.
2) Animals need love too: This argument is usually paraded by the PETA crowd and such who often equate animal cruelty to crimes against humans. The dogs were in pretty bad shape and Vick seemed to care less about them. They wanted the harshest punishment allowed by the law.
3) Wait, don't dogs fight anyway: I'll admit that I was in this pool when the big fiasco first erupted. A lot of people didn't see why it was such a big deal because animals fight all the time. There was a lot more to the story than that.
The story had died down, but then people started asking what the hell ever happened to that dog killer guy. To be honest, I only remembered that Michael Vick was in prison because it came up in a sports discussion among my brothers. I'm not shedding tears over him. If he never gets his career back then maybe he and other people will realize that there ARE consequences for your actions no matter how immediate or delayed. Vick better hope his stigma doesn't stick.
source: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-timdahlberg-111508&prov=ap&type=lgns
Where to begin...
Hello one and all to ANOTHER one of those ranting blogs that you hear so much about nowadays. I can't help it - I like to talk, even if I have to type just to get my voice heard. So here's the deal: I read magazines, frequent news sites and search engines, subscribe to various feeds, flip through a newspaper every now and then, and naturally being a girl I hear a lot of gossip. What does all this mean?? Basically, I hear a lot of crap - some good, some bad - and often times, it's pretty damn interesting. That means I want to talk about it. So here goes...
P.S. if there's ever a story that you hear about that you want my opinion on, don't hesitate to email me at javychica13@yahoo.com. who knows? your story/topic may be featured here ;)
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